Wednesday 2 May 2012

Progression in Degree Show Installation Concepts March - May, 2012

Current Layout/Installation Concept for Degree Show.

Thinking about what images to merge took time. I began looking back at exhibitions my work was involved in and narrowed in on NUCA's "Position". Thinking about why my work was selected over other submissions and how else my work could be perceived in a social and personal position, as it did in the "Position" exhibition, took place. How could I show Sean as completely as possible through imagery? Reflecting on all images I possessed of Sean, examining his childhood photos, I recognised that he had strong communal positions, as a brother, a peer, a friend, a member of a community. These personal relationships Sean has had with others has helped develop the social and extensive person he is today, I then realised merging these particular photos would allow such a message to come across to any audience member and perhaps, through reflection of the work, would be able to find the comparisons between themselves and Sean, therefore creating a sense of equality between them. 

Previous (April's) Layout/Installation Concept for Degree Show. 

Here, I wanted to exhibit various aspects of Sean's personality through use of my photographs and his artwork. However, I felt too many pieces could have the potential to overcrowd the space and the mind of the reflecting onlooker. I began thinking about limiting the number of pieces exhibited but it was hard as I still wanted more imagery to express my points of view on social and human equality. Soon, Double Exposure techniques and other digital/photographic manipulations were considered, in order to integrate multiple images. I first thought of merging my own photos of Sean painting and Sean in his living area but I wasn't feeling a deep connection to these images, nor were they working visually/aesthetically.  

Previous (March's) Layout/Installation Concept for Degree Show. 

In March this concept was created to visualise ideas about the Degree Show. It became evident to me that although I felt this was a strong piece or had the potential to be, the audience reaction would not be what I intended nor desired for my art practice. I felt the piece may hold the power to further more objectify the subject, exaggerating the already segregated society of those who are "normal" and those who are "different". 

Judging on the visual progression in ideas, I have sought through multiple concepts and avenues to take. These three major concepts, were the main concepts that lead to my final decision in the exhibition. I feel, I have been constructively critical over all that I have created and considered to create for the Degree Show. It is my opinion that my finished result has been well thought out in terms of subject, context and its suitability for an exhibition and its appropriate nature for a varied audience. 

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