Thursday 3 November 2011

Response to 'Shifting Perspectives' Ongoing Exhibition

Learning of the ongoing exhibition, Shifting Perspectives, has encouraged my confidence in my current practice. Knowledge of such a successful exhibition with the same ideas and concepts, proves this is an important message to distribute to as many audience members as possible. Researching through their global venues, its apparent they haven't always exhibited within a white cube space, helping their work to reach all sorts of personalities. 
Shifting Perspectives is more than an exhibition now, its become a movement in doing what their title explains, shifting the perspectives that people can have over those with DS. Some of the artists involved choose to use photography to explain certain facts about DS, such as Fiona Yarron-Field with her 'Safe Haven' portraits of pregnant woman, who know their babies will be born with DS and despite this knowledge, choose to give birth. People with DS are not just the content of the work, they are now the artists, with Rory Davies winning the My Perspectives competition and joining the Shifting Perspectives team in exhibition. 
DS is just one of countless learning disabilities and with pulling the shade off the mysteries and preconceptions of the condition, audiences can be exposed to understanding the condition a little more and slower to judging by social and cultural stereotypes. 
It's been said that, "You can't be a disabled artist. An artist either has the talent or doesn't. A disability doesn't give a person any more artistic ability than anyone else." Is this true? Artists with disabilities were denied access to art schools, academies, exhibitions and museums. Many doors were closed to those who used wheelchairs, who had visual or hearing disabilities. For artists with disabilities all over the country, an isolated room in their home or local hospital were the only venues for expression. Artists with learning disabilities, should be regarded as no more special nor less significant as artists because of their condition. They should be respected for their craft, as we would respect any artist.
Fiona Bailey, part of I don't care series

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